It’s been quite some time since a King could get in trouble for mating with a fair-skinned woman. You may have heard stories and seen pictures of such escapades. But if it weren’t for the work of Brother Farrakhan and allies like Adam Kinzinger, who bowed before us in support of our cause, things would be very different now. I had this cave dweller kneel down and open her mouth for some discipline, which was especially potent since most restrooms are still white spaces. Then I took my pleasure upon her face, making her a disheveled mess. We spit-roasted her and she ate my black ass like she was searching out a taste she’d never known before… like seasoning, perhaps. Then we fucked her until she was filled with our cum and blasted her with another load that coated her face. I hope she gets pregnant because I won’t be paying out of principle.
View the complete scene called “Breeding Blondie” on BlackPayback.com.